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Providing Website Feedback

Watch the following video to provide feedback on a draft website or anytime we make major changes prior to publishing it.

Video Captions

Welcome to your draft website. In this short video, we'll show you how to provide feedback and ensure our design meets your vision. You may have received a link to provide feedback early on in the design phase, or this may be the final draft of your new website. Either way, we'll walk you through the basics of providing feedback and show you where we most likely need approval. Please note that this video will apply to most basic and advanced websites; however, if we are designing a premium website for you, some features may be different, and we will contact you with further details.

To begin, make sure you are on a laptop or desktop browser. Check your inbox for an email from Wix with the subject along the lines of "you're invited to give feedback" or "comment on a website". In this email, there may be specific guidelines or notes added which you should read before giving feedback. Once you have read and understood any notes provided, open the link in the email.

Above the header of your draft website, you will notice a "desktop view" and "mobile view" section. Start with the desktop view, which should already be preselected.

As you browse your draft website, wherever you would like to give feedback or request changes, click the "add feedback" button and drag the pointer to the section of concern. Do this for all the areas on all pages you would like to provide feedback on. You can click through any buttons or links which may take you to pages not visible in the menu. If you are providing feedback on the menu or footer, you need only provide feedback once, unless there are different footers and menus on each page. If you feel no feedback is needed on the desktop view, please add at least one comment saying "no feedback" so we are aware you have completed this stage and we can move on with the design.

Once you have finished providing feedback on your desktop website, click the "mobile view". We optimize your layout of your website for mobile devices, so your mobile view may look different from the desktop view. Some differences may include sections in different orders, elements such as photos, decorative items, or animations may be removed or adapted. Crucial text content will all still remain visible.

If you have provided feedback for a section on your desktop view, we will apply this change to the mobile view where applicable. Therefore, you do not need to provide feedback again on the mobile view. Again, if you feel no feedback is needed on the mobile view, please add at least one comment saying "no feedback".

Once you are finished, you may close the tab. All your feedback will be saved automatically. If there were only minor changes and feedback you provided, we will proceed to implement these where possible and proceed to complete your final website. If there are more major areas you would like adapted, we may contact you to further discuss these changes or send you a revised feedback link to complete once these changes have been made.

That's it! We're one step closer to having your new website ready to publish

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